Phnom Penh Explorer 4 Days/ 3 Nights

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Discovery more about Phnom Penh, out of Capital we will drive you to  Phnom Chiso and visit the temple on the hilltop and the weaving village nearby, taking a private boat along the Mekong river to Koh Dach Isaland and visit the traditional weaving village and people daily life.



  • Royal Palace
  • Silver pagoda
  • Ta Prom and Yeay Peou temples
  • Koh Dach Isaland


  • Silver Pagoda (Wat Preah Keo Morokat) is one of the city's most visited sites and offers a display of priceless Buddhist and historical objects
  • A private boat along the Mekong river to Koh Dach Isaland and visit the traditional weaving village and people daily life

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  • Ms. Xuyen - Travel Consultant Ms. Xuyen - Travel Consultant
  • Ms. Thao - Travel Consultant Ms. Thao - Travel Consultant
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