Phnom Penh – Kompung Thom & Siem Reap Tour 7 Days/ 6 Nights

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Cambodia is small country but there are many places for you to visit, travelling overland from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap via Kampong Thom stop at Skun village for Photograph of the deep fried of Spider. Continue to visit Wat Nokhor Bachey, with its ancient temple and modern style pagoda 12th century, a short tour of Kompong Cham includes of colonial architecture



  • Angkor Wat , Tonle Sap Lake in Siem Reap
  • Silver pagoda, Toul Sleng Museum in Phnompenh
  • Kompong Thom


  • Tours to the jungle covered temple of Ta Prohm is an incredible sight
  • Excursion in a traditional wooden boat on the Tonle Sap Lake
  • The Silver Pagoda (Wat Preah Keo Morokat) is display of priceless Buddhist and historical objects
  • Visit Sambor Prei Kuk, located 37 km from Kompong Thom province. It is a former capital and was previously named Ey San Borak


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  • Ms. Xuyen - Travel Consultant Ms. Xuyen - Travel Consultant
  • Ms. Thao - Travel Consultant Ms. Thao - Travel Consultant
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